First thing that happened was that I got promoted at work. I will now be assistant manager, a job that carries with it elevated levels of responsibility and heavier work loads. This means that I am going to leave the counter that I have been working for and move to the second biggest MAC counter in the country. I'm thrilled beyond words!
Second thing is something that I'd rather not talk about but I feel that the people who read my blog (and most of all you who read posts like this one) are my friends and that I need to tell this to you because it is such a big piece of my life. The thing is that my relationship ended and since I lived with my ex-boyfriend I have to find a new apartment, and am currently at the mercy of kind people who let me stay with them for a while until I've managed to find a place of my own. Almost all my stuff are still in the old apartment that I shared with my ex and, thus, I can't really take pictures of my makeup looks at the moment.

I'm sorry to hear that. :( Best wishes for finding a new place, and congratulations on the promotion!
SvaraRaderaVery sorry to hear of your separation, but congratulations on your promotion. I believe (in life) that one open closes and another opens. <3
SvaraRaderaEnding a relationship is never easy. :( I hope the happiness from your promotion is helping to bring balance. That is really exciting, assistant manager at the second largest counter! Congratulations! :D
SvaraRaderaCongrats for the job and keep going your own way :)
Vad tråkigt att det tog slut, oavsett. Sådana händelser rör alltid till det för en. Men grattis till nya tjänsten! Det gick snabbt och det är väl ändå ett kvitto på hur kompetent du är :)
Congratulations on your promotion! I am sorry to hear about your relationship and living circumstance. Try to hang in there, I hope things will get better for you soon.
SvaraRaderaOy. A HUGE congrats on your promotion -- WAHOOOOOOO!!!! And HUGE hugs and love because of the endings happening in your life right now. ((((HUGS))))
SvaraRaderaGood luck with your new opportunities!!!
SvaraRaderaTo call us for Makeup services at home in lahore, all you have to do is to place your order through the Femingle website. Our technicians come with every product like sterilized tools, makeup brushes etc at your home.