torsdag 19 december 2013

Shit Happens

Hello dear readers!

I'm sorry for my absence here lately. :( This year I had so many holiday looks planned and so far I've only managed to get one of them done. The reason for this is that my eyes has been bothering me for some time now. About three weeks ago I got a stye on one of my eyes that became really irritated so I had to visit the doctor and get medication for it. Since makeup is that big part of my life I asked him if I had to throw away my old mascaras and if I could use makeup at work while my eye was still irritated and he told me that I could wear makeup as long as I wasn't allergic to it and that I didn't have to throw anything away... I should have known that was a bit too good to be true but, hey, he's a doctor and he ought to know, right? No. Two weeks after the first eye I got problems with the other eye as well, which has finally healed. Today I'm going through my makeup and cleaning it thoroughly with Beauty So Clean and alcohol.

Now I have a week full of work in front of me but I hope I'll have time to post photos of the looks I'm wearing for work at least. Work looks may sound a bit boring but we have different themes every day so I'm sure you'll find something that will interest you. :)

Thanks for reading and see you soon!

14 kommentarer:

  1. Men vad tråkigt! Krya på dig och hoppas att du får lite ledigt <3

    1. Ja, det är en skönhetsbloggares västa mardröm typ. XD Tack! <3 Jag mår bättre nu i alla fall.

  2. Oh honey! Feel better. :( Sending you lots of love and hugs from NYC!

    1. Thank you! I already feel much better and now I'm able to wear makeup again. ^_^ *hugs back*

  3. Total and mega bummer! I hope you feel better my dear!

    1. Yep, it wasn't pleasant at all. Thanks, I'm much better now! <3

  4. This is also happening to me! Its like a dermatitis on my eyelids... I hope you get better soon! x

    1. It's really annoying! Thanks, I'm feeling better now! :)

  5. I'm so sorry about your eyes :/ I hate when I get styes, although mine thankfully only last for a day or two. I hope you can get back to posting your looks soon! Heel quickly :D

    1. Thanks! I'm feeling much better now. :) I just hope it won't come back.

  6. Sorry about your eyes! I had the same thing recently. Def sucked!
