
fredag 10 februari 2012

Tutorial: Gothic cateye

Hello cupcakes!

Sometimes I feel a little bit like I'm loosing my identity when I try out so, so many different kinds of makeup looks. So today I wanted to do something that is really me. A makeup look that I would feel like myself wearing. Don't get me wrong, I love playing around with color, but I always end up with the dark ones whenever I try to do looks that make me feel like myself.

So, the look i came up with is this one!

My eyebrows wouldn't just behave today and I was really tempted to shave them off. But, on the other hand, I think I might've looked a little bit alien with no eyebrows... But it would be fun to test it! :) I mean, no eyebrows means that you have a lot more freedom to play around with creative makeup looks!

Here's the tutorial, anyways!

Step 1
First apply your base, but save the concealer under the eyes for later! Then, prime your eyes with your favorite eyelid primer.

Put a piece of Scotch tape on the outer corner of your eye. For guidelines on how to get the tape right check out this blogpost:

Step 2
Starting from the tape and working inwards, draw this kind of shape with a matte black eyeshadow. You can use a pencil brush if you want, but I used a very small flat eyeshadow brush.
You don't have to make the edges super even, since we are going to blend them later.

Step 3
Now that you've drawn in the shape it's time to fill it in and make it even blacker.

Step 4
Blendy blend! :D To help blending use a color that is close to your skintone. For me, that is "Blanc type" by M.A.C. Also apply this shadow all over your lid (where you don't have the black). To get the color really opaque, pack it on with a flat shader brush, such as the M.A.C. #239.
As you can see, we've lost some of the blackness due to blending. If this happens, just go back in with the black and blend again. :)

Step 5
Remove the tape and line your upper and lower waterline with a black eyeliner pencil. If you have small eyes you might just want to line the upper waterline with black, and should then use a gel liner to prevent it from transferring to the lower waterline. In this case, just line your waterline with a white eyeliner pencil. This will make your eyes look bigger! :) Neat, huh?

Step 6
Apply gel liner with a thin brush (I always use craft store brushes for this) along your upper lashline. You want the liner to be a little thicker than usual, but still start out with a thin line. It's always easier to go back and make it thicker than to erase a line that is to thick! In the inner corner, make a little v-shape and fill it in.
Here comes the tricky part. Make a wing at the outer corner and take it up along the crisp line of the eyeshadow. Stop right above the edge of the eyeshadow! It might be a bit tricky to get the line straight, but practice makes perfect!

As you can see, I've also filled in my beauty mark, but that is optional. :)

Step 7
Fill in your brows with whatever color you prefer. I've just used a very, very small amount of black (what's left over on your brush when you've wiped it off).

Apply mascara and some false eyelashes. I've used Ardell #105 which are my favorites at the moment.

It's very cold here in Sweden at the moment, so my lips are extremely dry. Therefore I decided not to add any lipstick or gloss. That would probably just dry my lips out even more and look flaky after just a couple of hours. I did however put on some lipbalm. :)

Thank you for checking out my blog and I hope to see you here soon! 

And yeah, I changed my background! :) What do you think?

2 kommentarer:

  1. Like the new background. But if I were you I would change the red text to the left to another colour. According to design rules that has to do with text they say red text on black is much harder to read than other colours on black. And it is sort of more irritating to look at. That is just a tip. I won't stop reading if you keep the red :p
    Otherwise I really like your blog. It is fun to se some more full face pictures (i askad you about that in an earlier post :)) and your tutorials are really good. I like the fact that you do both colourful and more gothic style makeup looks.
    So keep up the good work.

  2. What a nice cat eye mackup.... I like it very much... I have also find more intrusting cat eye mackup at Cat-Eye Makeup
