
tisdag 8 oktober 2013

Pink October

Long time no see! I apologize for my absence here the past week - I just haven't gotten around to do a blogpost, because I had a flu, and then I have just been unmotivated and felt like everything I do gets crappy anyway. It's just one of those periods, you know, which I usually get into this time of the year, when the daylight isn't enough to give good photos anymore.

Well, enough whining... Here's the look. :)

Whether we like it or not, October has become known as the "pink month" and it is the month when pink stuff is available everywhere raising money for breast cancer research. Although I hate that companies takes advantage of such a terrible thing as cancer to gain profit I do think that the original idea behind the pink ribbon is great. It is a bit unfair though that only breast cancer is included in this campaign, but I guess that if you find a cure for one type of cancer you might be closer to cure other types as well.

*Skin Base Foundation 02 (Illamasqua)
*Studio Finish Concealer NC15 (MAC)

*Jumbo Pencil Milk (NYX)
*#391 (Inglot)
*Dollipop (Sugarpill)

*Medium Pencil Sophie (Illamasqua)
*Birthday Girl (Sugarpill)

*Dollipop (Sugarpill)
*#391 (Inglot)
*#339 (Inglot)
*Tako (Sugarpill)

*Gel liner Immortal (Makeup Geek)
*Eye booster Ultra black (Physicians Formula)
*Precision Ink Scribe (Illamasqua)
*Sealing gel (Illamasqua)
*All Day Long Lash Mascara (Isadora)
*False eyelashes #41 (Red Cherry)


I've spent this past weekend doing some DIY stuff that I will share with you as soon as possible. 

Thursday will be my first day at my new job! I'm so excited!

Thanks for reading!

13 kommentarer:

  1. An exquisite tribute to pink October, but you're right-- if just one cancer is cured, it would open the door to the other cancers.
    I'm disheartened by the fact that it's more women's breast cancer, and doesn't really include men in the equation who can also suffer from it.

    Hope you get better soon!

    1. Thank you! I wish they could just change the campaign to include all forms of cancer instead of just one.

  2. Varje månad har ju ofta fler än en "cancer awareness" med, september var helt pröppfull (typ den här tjejen som envisades med att göra en sminkning för alla den månaden, och ja det är lite synd att de andra banden inte får samma enorma plats i media. Bra grej som gått snett lite grann. Prostatacancer har ju fått lite luft iaf.. Iaf jag brukar hellre köpa band ifrån deras egna sidor, och inte ifrån företag som skänker en liten slant av sin vinst :/

    1. Man borde skapa ett universalband istället. :) Ja, hon gör verkligen sitt bästa för att alla andra typer av cancer också skall uppmärksammas, vilket är förståeligt eftersom hon själv precis blivit frisk från tarm-cancer.

  3. Hi dear! I had a flu too and I re-post today too =)
    I really like this make up and the colour combination !
    many kisses

    1. Hi! Hope you're feeling better. :)
      Thank you! Black + pink =awesome!

  4. Blegh, I hate all the pink shit and 'save the boobies' that's involved in breast cancer funding and awareness - breast cancer is a horrible thing, and the pink and sexualisation takes away from the fact that it's actual human beings with a complex and horrible disease, and is an awful thing to go through.

    That said, it is a good thing that there has been so much awareness of breast cancer, as treatment has really progressed - some of the treatment is applicable to other types of cancer, but not always. Anyway, this is a lovely eye look, and apologies for the rant. :P

    1. Well said! Cancer is something terrible and shouldn't be commercialized in this way.

      At least it's great that they have come a little closer to a cure for it! :)
      Thank you!

  5. I LOVE your makeup looks!!! They are always so beautiful and very well done. I want to see if you wouldn't mind if I used some of your looks as inspiration for my own! I have my own blog as well, that is NOT popular at all, and I am looking for new looks to create to put on there! If you would let me use you as my inspiration to do a blog for, I would GLADLY give you FULL credit for the inspiration!! Please let me know!

    1. Aww, thank you so much! :) Of course you can use them as inspiration! :D It's always a wonderful thing to inspire someone and I'm honored when someone decides to recreate one of my looks. If you'd like you're welcome to send the link to your looks to me, I would very much like to see them. :)

  6. This took my breath away!! Absolutely gorgeous! Your detail and shading is perfection as always. I love that you incorporate this with "pink month" and cancer. Thank you for having the sensitivity to know that there are other forms of cancer out there. I have a family member fighting cancer right now, so this is special to me.
    Best Wishes.

    1. Thank you Colleen! :) You always make so nice comments on my looks!
      Oh I'm so sorry to hear that! :( I really hope they will get well soon!
      *Big hug to you and your family*
