
torsdag 3 januari 2013

Stolen pictures

I just discovered that an online magazine called "Stylish Eve" has used my pictures without my consent and removed my watermark by cutting the pictures in a hideously ugly way. They are violating my art! *___*

Why can't people just ask before using other peoples stuff? And if not asking then at least leave my pictures intact with a link to my website! Gaahh! I get so mad! -___-

14 kommentarer:

  1. Det som fick mig till att sätta vattenstämpeln mitt i alltihopa >.< folk bara tar och tror att det är okej <.<

  2. Some people are just ridiculous! I hope they will contact you and at least pay you for using your art :/

  3. That is awful!! And you do such beautiful work, how dare they steal your photos!

  4. Not cool at all, make sure you email them!!!! You can disable the right click option on your blog:

    Good luck!

  5. Arghh! That makes me angry! :( They could of at least contacted you for permission and if you accepted credit you! x

  6. Contact them!!! what the hell!!!

  7. Sadly, that is why I put a water mark on all my photos. It is not attractive, but it gives me a peace of mind.

  8. Gud vad bitter jag blir, mänskligheten ibland alltså gaaaah >< pinsamma är vad de är såna människor som snor andras verk.

  9. Fasen vilken dålig stil :(. Jag hoppas att de ger dig kredit för de snodda bilderna annars får de ta bort dem. Du har en fantastisk och unik stil. Stå på dig! Kram /Therese

  10. Contact them and demand compensation, and if they refuse, demand they take them down or threaten legal action.

    If they get away with it this time, they will continue to do so.

  11. See if you can find the host for their website and inform them that they are stealing images. if they website wont take them down then the host might force them to
