
lördag 1 december 2012

Monthly theme: Maxi skirts

Since I've been planning this outfit post for quite a long time now, this months Monthly theme couldn't be more convenient. :) A couple of years ago I became quite obsessed about long, gothic skirts in tulle, velvet or lace. In my opinion they are the ultimate gothic glamourous item.

This skirt comes from Odium Clothing which Swedish based webshop that sells alternative clothing and accessories. I was lucky to get hold of it second hand though for about half the price, and since I'm the kind of girl who loves to buy second hand stuff I was very happy about this. :)
Also, now it's discontinued so the only way to get it is the second hand market...

The most irritating thing about long skirt is that when you are short you always have to take them up. I think I had to take away about 15cm (6 inches!) from this one!
And, haha, don't mind my hair! I am trying to grow out a part of my side cut so it looks a bit strange right now! :P

Loads of tulle makes this skirt a very glamourous piece of clothing! It can be used for more classy outfits as well as everyday occasions. :)

The corset is called Bathory and comes from Tokill4 . It was my payment for the fashion show I worked at in May this year. :) It is black velvet and I really like it. One thing that bugs me about overbust corsets though is that it pushes my boobs up a little bit too high, in a very unflattering way, when laced really tightly... :P

I got this necklace as a Christmas gift from my mother last year and I love it; not only is it pretty it has an interesting history as well. This necklace is a guardian angel manufactured by a woman whose child has died from cancer and the income from these necklaces goes to cancer research!

And last but not least, shoesies! :D I found these shoes in a thrift store (as I said, I love shopping second hand items...) a couple of weeks ago and since I needed a pair of warm shoes that are pretty as well, I couldn't resist buying them. :D

Well, that's all for this time! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this post although it isn't makeup related! :)

And oh, would you like to see a sneak peek on my next look? --> Click!

14 kommentarer:

  1. Second hand is awesome, I love thrift stores and second hand finds as well! ^^

    Your outfit is stunning, tulle skirts are truly the most beautiful things ever...! ^^
    The corset is also pretty, but I have the same problem with overbusts, so I always wear a shrug too. :)

    1. They are, aren't they? :)

      Thank you! :) I'm afraid that might be a common problem with corsets. *sighs* But a shrug certainly helps. :)

  2. Åh vilken fin kjol! Jag borde kolla mer på tradera osv för på loppisarna härikring hittar man inte mycket alternativa kläder. Skorna blev jag helt såld på, de är underbara!! Vad kul att få se dig i helfigur :)

    1. Tack! Gör det! På tradera kan man verkigen göra oväntade fynd. Annars tycker jag att det är en bra idé att köpa saker på loppis och göra om. ^_^

  3. Beautiful look, love the shoes <3 they're amazing :D

    1. Thank you! :) They are really cute aren't they? I'm so glad I found them!

  4. Helt underbar kjol! Jag försöker ofta fynda odiumclothing kläder på tradera men priserna brukar gå upp så högt :(

    1. Tack! :) Ja de gör ju oftast det! :/ Jag hade nog bara tur som råkade få denna relativt billigt (eller ja, den kostade fortfarande ca 400:- men tror den skulle kostat runt 900:- som ny så jag var nöjd...).

  5. It's a beautiful skirt! How nice you were able to get it for half price - nothing better than finding something great at the thrift store! :o)

  6. Love the skirt! The whole outfit is so pretty. Yay, second hand! :)

  7. You look spectacular! It's nice to see the whole you. ;) What an excellent second-hand find.

  8. You look lovely! At least you have the option to shorten skirts, I am 6 feet tall and EVERYTHING is too short. Unfortunately not everything looks good with black lace added to the bottom! ;)
