
tisdag 13 november 2012

Tokill4 Fashionable Monster Parade

So, here are some pictures from the Halloween fashion show that I did the makeup a couple of weeks ago. :)

Photographer: Tom Johansson
Model: Eva 
Corsets/accessories: Tokill4
Makeup: Madam Noire

Photographer: Benny Tillberg
Model: Joy
Corsets/accessories: Tokill4
Makeup: Madam Noire

Madam Noire in action. ;)

Photographer: Benny Tillberg
Model: Sara
Corsets/accessories: Tokill4
Makeup: Madam Noire

Photographer: Benny Tillberg
Model: Eva 
Corsets/accessories: Tokill4
Makeup: Madam Noire

Photographer: Tom Johansson
Model: Joy
Corsets/accessories: Tokill4
Makeup: Madam Noire

Photographer: Benny Tillberg
Model: Sara
Corsets/accessories: Tokill4
Makeup: Madam Noire

I did the skull makeup on the guy in the middle. :) 

Photographer: Benny Tillberg
Model: Annika, Jonathan, Paulina
Corsets/accessories: Tokill4
Makeup: Madam Noire (for Jonathan)

The clown makeup and the skull makeup is by me (Madam Noire). :) 

Photographer: Benny Tillberg
Model: Eva, Jonathan, Judith, Jannike
Corsets/accessories: Tokill4
Makeup: Madam Noire (for Eva and Jonathan)

There were so, so many amazing outfits and makeup looks in this show and I wish I could show them all to you, but it would be such a huge post. Now you've seen the one I created + some more. :) I'm so glad I got to be a part of this show, because it turned out amazing! 

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the peek into our fashion show! :3 See you guys soon!

5 kommentarer:

  1. Vad roligt det såg ut att vara :D Gillar verkligen färgen på ditt hår måste jag säga!

    1. Det var verkligen jätteroligt! :) Så många duktiga modeller och underbara människor att jobba med. Haha, tack! Dock har jag färgat håret svart nu. ^_^

  2. Åh kul att se när du sminkar andra. Önskar att jag hade kunnat gå på den showen. Det är verkligen dötrist där jag bor. Mest knätofs o rockabilly

    1. Hihi, det är lite ovant att se sig själv "in action" faktiskt. :P Åh, det låter ju trist! Vart bor du någonstans?

  3. Congratulations on this great opportunity! You did an amazing job. It's fun to see a post with you doing what you are so good at!
