
måndag 29 oktober 2012

Weekly confession: Perfumes

Thank all of you who participated in last weeks Weekly confession! :) I really enjoyed reading your confessions and some of them made me laugh.

This time it is about perfumes. A fragrance may smell heavenly good to one nose but completely awful to another. So, now it's time to confess; what fragrances are terrible vs. wonderful to you?

Personally, I love sweet and heavy perfumes. :) My favorite perfume right now is probably Vanillary by Lush. I LOVE it! :D

As for scents that I really hate the first thing that comes to mind is perfumes that smells of roses. *Urrgh!!* It may sound a bit strange; doesn't everyone love the smell of roses? Well, I don't. The smell of roses gives me headache! :(

So those are my love and hate perfumes, what are yours? :)

I will try and upload another look before Halloween but since we are having a guest from England to stay at our home this week I might not have time. We'll see about that! :)

Thank you for reading and hope to see you soon!

11 kommentarer:

  1. Haha, jag är en sådan som HATAR söta, vaniljiga dofter :'D
    Söt vanlij, parfymer som luktar godis och allt sådant där.. Hua. Det känns om det gör sockerhål i hjärnan på mig.

    Gillar däremot sådan som luktar fräscht och citrusfruktigt. Clean - Skin är min totala favorit just nu. Lite tyngre orientaliska och "ovanligare" är också hemskt trevliga. Så Skin, Illamasquas Freak och Lushs Lust står i min topp! ^^

    1. Det är ju verkligen så; antingen hatar man dem eller så älskar man dem! ^_^ Jag hör till den lilla skara som älskar "godis"-dofter.

      Freak är helt underbar också. Annars brukar jag inte gilla blommiga dofter men den är verkligen något speciellt.

  2. I've been well known for smelling like cake with all my vanilla perfumes. Anyways , my current favorites are jungle by kenzo, angel by thierry mugler and amour by kenzo. All sweet and heavy, not very palatable by everyone.

    I HATE hypnose by lancome, ultraviolet from paco rabanne - it literally makes me choke. There is also some other perfume that i sometimes feel on some ppl and it smells disgusting, like mouldy wet rat or something. When i find out what perfume it is, i'll let you know.

    On my wishlist right now i have petite robe noire by guerlain and crystal creek wood for her by dsquared...your wishlist?...

    1. Cake! ^_^ I haven't tried those ones. I'm very into Freak by Illamasqua now as well as the Vanillary perfume.

      I haven't tried Ultraviolet but I think you're right about Hypnose. It's hideous! :P I don't like perfumes that just smell like "perfume" and don't have any specific scent.

  3. I love perfumes that came out mid 90's like Dior Poison, Dune, Laura Biagiotti Venezia...they remind me so much of my childhood when I used to steal them from my mother and now that I'm grown up, I see myself as a woman I wanted to be as a child each time I smell them. It's amazing, the bond of perfumes and memories...
    I also like vanilla, patchouli, sandalwood, musk... and Lush Vanillary is a beautiful perfume.

    1. For me it's actually the reverse when it comes to perfumes and childhood memories. I don't like any of the perfumes I smelled as a child. Maybe it's because I was very allergic to perfumes then.

  4. I'm still on the hunt for a nice perfume! I had a tester of Oh Lola that I really liked, but my budget couldn't stretch to a full bottle. I like definite scents--lots of perfumes just smell generically like perfume, if that makes sense. I like a scent where you can go "Oh that smells like ____"

    1. I completely agree with you here! I really love perfumes where you can distinguish specific scents. I was so disappointed at Lady Gaga's "Fame" because it only smells like regular perfume. Boring!

  5. I love spicy, slightly smokey scents. My favorite scent right now is "Wasted Youth" by Goth Rosary - my soap is this scent as well as my solid perfume. It smells like amber and spice and smokey floral notes. LOVE.

    I loathe Juicy Couture perfume.

    1. That sounds like a really interesting perfume! :) And I really like the name! ^_^

      To me the Juicy Couture perfumes are very boring fragrances. They smell... Well, perfume, but nothing more. But of course, they may smell wonderful on other people. I think that is the most interesting feature of perfumes; they smell different on different people.

  6. Recently stumbled across your blog, Love your eye looks!

    To answer this question..i too adore vanilla and i like it combined with incense scents too..the sort of resin and buttery scents like Tonka bean.
    My current favourite is by this etsy company - the female version of this scent. My partner loves the male version too lol

    I cant stand the perfumes under 'oceanic' they dont smell fresh to me, they remind me too much of strong toilet cleaner!
