
torsdag 20 september 2012

Oil slick

Hello makeup-lovers and fellow spooks! 

Can something be both black and colorful in the same time? (Damn, that title gave it away...) Oil slicks are! :)
The look of today is inspired by a look that I found on that I immediately fell in love with and it's Ronnie's infamous oil slick look. Wow... Just WOW! It's so beautiful. I knew that I just had to try this look some time and now I've done it. :) Mine is not remotely as pretty as Ronnie's look but it will do, I guess... :P

I wanted the text to have the oil slick colors as well but I just couldn't figure out how to do it. :/

Unlike Ronnie, I didn't have a metallic black base at hand so I would have to do with regular gel liner. I think a metallic base would have increased the oil-slick-ness of the look though. One important thing when it comes to this look is to only use shimmery eyeshadows because matte ones will definitely lack the capacity to imitate an oil slick.

The colors in this pic is way better than those in the first one since 

On the lips I chose to wear only a clear gloss. I rarely use lipgloss but I think it looks great combined with this eye makeup. :) As you can see I got my septum piercing again. Yay! :D It's still a bit skew though...


*Ultra fluid foundation Alabaster (Kryolan)
*Studio Finish Concealer (M.A.C.)
*White pressed powder (Stargazer)

*Corrupt (Makeup Geek)
*Fluidline Blacktrack (M.A.C.)

*Gold digger (Makeup Geek) 
*Glamorous (Makeup Geek) 
*Envy (Makeup Geek) 
*Appletini (Makeup Geek) 
*White lies (Makeup Geek)
*Sensuous (Makeup Geek) 
*Deep truth (M.A.C.)
*Eye kohl Smolder (M.A.C.)
*Fluidline Blacktrack (M.A.C.)
*Red Cherry #39 false lashes

*Clear gloss (Isadora)


Someone other than me who thinks it's wonderful to wear makeup that is both dark and colorful at the same time? :) I have to try this look on the lips as well! 

13 kommentarer:

  1. I seriously like yours better. Hers is awesome, but your colors are more up my alley i guess.

  2. Hers is extremely beautiful, but yours is a much more accurate representation of an oil slick!
    Words fail to express how utterly gorgeous you and your work is.

    1. Oh, thank you so much! <3 I'm very flattered!

  3. I liked your better. You have more defined colours and this is how an oil slick looked like I think :) I must try it sometime.

    1. Thank you! ^_^ It was a very fun look to create so I definitely think you should try it on. And Ronnie has a tutorial for it on Youtube as well. :3

  4. I always love to see artists reinterpret looks by other people because everyone has their own unique spin on it. I definitely see your style in this look by Ronnie. Very cool to see your take on it.

    1. It is fun to see different people create their own versions of the same look, indeed! :) Did you see the one I did inspired by one of your looks? :3 -->

  5. I love this make up. Looks just perfect. I had no idea that M.A.C. has changed their policy. I'm very disappointed.

    As a vegan I always appreciate when people running make-up blogs/websites consider ethical aspects of their work.

    1. Thank you! :) I didn't know either until very recently that M.A.C. has started animal-testing their products. :S

  6. det här är sååå fiiint :D kanske vill imitera det nån gång om jag får!
