
onsdag 2 maj 2012

Ester's eyes

Hello everybody! :)

This look is inspired by my dog Ester. Isn't she cute? ^_^

I've written it before but I think since we're talking animals I'd point it out again; all the products I use and recommend in my blog are (to my best knowledge) NOT tested on animals! 

Animal testing is something horrible and totally unnecessary. Cats, dogs, rabbits, rats and guinea pigs are all highly intelligent creatures with feelings and they should be treated with respect! Just because they can't speak doesn't mean they don't have feelings. 

Here's a list of companies that DO NOT test on animals: 

Print it and put it in your purse the next time you're going out to shop! :) 

Anyways, with that said, let's move on to the look I made inspired by my little doggie's colors. :) 

*Mocha (MakeupGeek)

*Eye khol Smolder (M.A.C.)
*Purely naked (MakeupGeek), shimmery tan, lid.
*Mocha (MakeupGeek), deep brown, outer corner and crease.
* Cocoa bear (MakeupGeek), reddish brown, crease.
*Gesso (M.A.C.), matte white, inner corne/brow highlight.
*Pollution (MakeUpStore),  matte black, outer corner.
*False eyelashes #28 (Red Cherry)

5 kommentarer:

  1. Beautiful makeup!
    I have missed a blog like this since one I followed passed away. Your tutorials look great. So I'll click the follow link to read them thorougly. :)

    1. Welcome to my blog and thank you for the compliment! :)

  2. What an adorable source of inspiration!! :-D

    You look great in earth tones. I recently tried browns in my eye look for interviews... The looks came out fine (and very appropriate) but I didn't think they suited me. Maybe just because I'm SO used to blacks, pinks and purples. And I only had a couple of browns to choose from - free samples I got with an order once. :) I'll be using this post as inspiration for my makeup looks when I start the new job. :)

    1. Thank you! I usually use browns for my job interviews too. :) I find that looks that suits different kind of people are often looks that they feel comfortable in so it's probably, as you said, because you're not used to browns. Browns usually suit most people but what kinds of browns might depend on the undertone in the skin; if it's cold, warm or neutral. Cold skin tones are said to suit best in cold colors and vice versa, while neutral can pull off any color. :)

  3. Wow ! this is gorgeous

