
fredag 25 maj 2012

Cyber goth blues

Hello everybody! :)

The look of today is another gothic one (big surprise, I know) but more of the cyber goth style, combining a bright color with shadowy darkness.
I don't know if blue really is my thing, but I love the M.A.C. Hi Def Cyan Chromagraphic pencil so I just had to make a look with it. I think the Chromagraphic pencils are discontinued (NOOOO!!!) but I'm sure you can find other, bright colorful eyeliner pencils to play with. :) I wish someone would make an acid-green eyeliner pencil. That would have been great!

You could put a black base underneath the black eyeshadow. I didn't though, and that's why the black isn't so intense.

Haha, my hair looks so strange on this picture, melting into the background. :P I'm going to dye it this weekend.

Wouldn't this look be great combined with bright blue and black hair? Maybe cyberlocks or dreads. And maybe with a pair of blue, incredibly long false eyelashes?

And the final question, if you would try this look out what color would you choose to combine with the black? :)


*Ultra fluid foundation Alabaster (Kryolan)
*Studio finish concealer (M.A.C.)
*Compact white powder (Stargazer)

*Corrupt (Makeup Geek)

*Fluidline Blacktrack (M.A.C.)
*Chromagraphic eyeliner pencil Hi Def Cyan (M.A.C.)
*Corrupt (Makeup Geek)
*Ice queen (Makeup Geek)
*White lies (Makeup Geek)
*False eyelashes #28 (Red Cherry)

* Inliner Indian ink (Isadora)
*Chromagraphic eyeliner pencil Hi Def Cyan (M.A.C.)


I hope you all will have a lovely weekend! :) 

12 kommentarer:

  1. Har inte MUS en väldigt ljust grön penna? Tropical? :D

    1. Åh! Tack för tipset! Kollade på den nu och den är ju helt perfekt. :)

  2. Wow!
    Your eyebrows look wicked!
    Would be an incredible look with some matching Cyberlocks/falls but still amazing as it is now!:)

  3. I love this look. My eyes are brown, so I wouldn't change the colors at all.

    1. Oh, this look would be great with brown eyes!

  4. ...blood red or emerald green...

    1. I was thinking about doing it in blood red too. M.A.C. had a great red eyeliner in the Chromagraphic series but since it's discontinued it's hard to find.

  5. This is a stunning site! Love the gothic flair. If you're keen to see another stunning site then why not take a look at this one - looking sickly sweet! Have a great day - love the eyes and make up!! :)

  6. Amazing makeup! I love the bright blue eyebrows. Your makeup posts are always so inspirational.

  7. Oh, ifall du ville göra med rött har ju Sleek sina Eau La La-liners, finns i två röda nyanser! ^^
