
torsdag 29 december 2011

Northern Lights

I'm back! :)

I've had a great Christmas holiday and now I'm back home again. Hope you've had a fabulous holiday as well!

The look of today is inspired by northern lights which is a commonly occurring phenomenon in the northern parts of Scandinavia in the winter.

My eyeinfection is getting better but I still don't want to put on any makeup on my left eye so you'll just get another picture of my right one ;)

I think this makeup would look great on people with really dark skin and black/dark brown eyes! :) 

List of products

*Clarins Everlasting Foudation "Ivory"
*YSL Touche Éclat
*Isadora Perfect Loose Powder "Velvet transparent"
*Make Up Store Blush "Matt glory"


*Urban Decay Primer Potion
*NYX Jumbo Pencil "Milk"(used as a base on the lid)
*Make Up Store Cybershadow "Buzzer" (outer corner)
*Make Up Store Eyedust "Bamboo" (outer corner)
*Shimmering White from 120-palette (middle of lid)
*Matte White from 120-palette (highlight)
*Make Up Store Blush "Matt glory" (inner corner) 
*Make Up Store Microshadow "Pollution" (used as eyeliner)
*Shimmering lilac from the 120-palette (under the eyes) 
*Isadora Inliner "Indian ink"
*Clinique High Impact Mascara 
*Ardell False Eyelashes #110

*Anything nude with a pink undertone would probably go with this look :)

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